My Story
Hey friends!
Thank you for taking the time to let me share my story with you. I’m hoping my journey inspires you to embrace the opportunity to have the great skin and confidence you deserve! I also hope to inspire you to think outside the box, outside of your comfort zone, and reach for your dreams. There is an opportunity behind Rodan+Fields that can realize any dream imaginable by creating a flexible income. Financial freedom combined with confidence in how you look and feel, equals SUCCESS! Rodan+Fields is a vehicle that I have gratefully found and wish to share with you.
As an entertainer, I am constantly on set, on the red carpet, shooting films, or performing shows. It is imperative that I stay looking fresh even when I’m exhausted. When my oldest sister Elle, and my Mom, started raving about these products, I decided to finally see what all the hype was about. As a young guy, I had never really considered the benefits of taking care of my skin. Now looking back, I am so glad I took the leap to invest in my skin and in the confidence I needed to excel in career. Now when I’m on set, the makeup crew hardly needs to touch up my face, and that feels great! Not only has Rodan+Fields helped me feel confident in my acting/music career, it has allowed me the opportunity to give back to so many around me through the amazing business opportunity it provides. Rodan+Fields is the fastest growing skincare line in the world, not only because the products deliver real results but also because Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields’s desire to help others and give back, has empowered so many people offering them an opportunity to partner with them on this journey to change skin and change lives. Giving back is what I am all about. When I learned about the culture of this company and their passion to help others, I had to jump in!
I’m sure you are wondering a little about the product at this point so let me give you a little information about R+F. R+F is multi med skin therapy. There are 4 main regimens to address your skin concerns. I believe that using Rodan + Fields is like visiting a dermatologist, without an appointment. I have used most of the products but my go to daily Regimen is Redefine, paired with the AMP MD Roller. (That’s how I Roll 🙂 I also use the Multifunction eye cream. Before I got started on Redefine, I did a couple rounds of Reverse, which Reversed my sun damage and gave me a blank canvas to start Redefine. If you think you have sun damage, I would definitely recommend that! My team and I can walk you through whatever questions you have, but first let me give you somewhere to start. Check out the bottom right side of my site where it says “Doctors Solution Tool”, and click, “Get Started.” This will walk you through a quick consultation ending in a list of what products are best to address your concerns. There are so many options so start here and then we can help you decide the rest!
Dr. Rodan+ Dr. Fields have also taught me that achieving great skin requires more than great products. While you are here make sure to check out the tips from the Doctors, and read up on the Doctors’ seasonal skin-care recommendations.
Rodan + Fields can truly transform your skin. I have personally witnessed the difference these products have made on people’s skin and in their lives. Along with Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields I am committed to exceeding your expectations and always here to help.
Please do this for yourselves. Join me on this amazing journey to look and feel great! – Robert Palmer Watkins